From: Bob W.
Sent on: Monday, July 9, 2012, 8:46 AM
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----
From: Nullify Obamacare <[address removed]>
Date: Mon, 9 Jul[masked]:40:48 
To: <[address removed]>
Subject: Nullify Obamacare UPDATE!!! Candidates have signed the petition

Nullify Obamacare in Florida Update
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 	Help us Restore the Republic
 You can help us restore liberty in Florida: Liberty Takeover 2012 has many opportunities for you to get involved. Many positions require as little as 2 hours a week to accomplish. Click HERE <mailto:[address removed]?subject=I%2­0want%20to%20get%20i­nvolved>  and contact Danielle to find out how.
 SIGN UP HERE <https://libertytak...;­ 

 	What is Liberty Takeover?
 Liberty Takeover is a plan to restore honest representation to the state of Florida. Our goal is to replace politicians with principled citizen legislators and set up a liberty structure throughout the state based on principle and not a political party. For more information click HERE <https://libertytak...;­ 	 	 	

 	 <;­ Nullify Obamacare UPDATE!!!!
 	Eight candidates have already signed the petition. 
 	We all understand how vital it is that we nullify this massive federal overreach at the state level. We have already found eight candidates who are bold enough to stand on principle against the federal government.
 	These brave candidates have pledged to nullify Obamacare when elected into the Florida State House or Florida Senate. Now that these candidates have stepped up to protect your rights we must make sure they are elected. Many of these candidates have primaries and need YOUR HELP to prevail.
 	1. Click HERE <https://libertytak...;­  and scroll to the bottom of the link to find the names of the candidates who have signed the pledge. 
 	2. Contact these candidates and find out what YOU can do to help their campaign.
 	3. Donate to these candidates.
 	4. Print out the Nullify Obamacare pledge and hand it to the other candidates for the state house and state senate and make sure they have received the pledge by clicking HERE <https://libertytak...;­ 

 	Liberty Takeover 2012 Endorsed Candidates
 We have found candidates across Florida that need your help. 
 We understand that in order to restore this republic we must replace politicians with statesmen and women. We have found several candidates running for offices in Florida that are worthy of your support. Click HERE <https://libertytak...;­  to see the list of Liberty Takeover 2012 endorsed candidates. Get involved in their campaigns and help them WIN!!!! 

 	Sign up to Restore Your Precinct
 Liberty starts with restoring your precinct.
 The precinct is the key to liberty. If you are able to influence the vote in your local precinct there is not an election that our candidates will lose. Your goal will be to become the person your neighbors will turn to for voting information. If you are able to convince just 4 out of every 10 voters to vote your way we will win. Click HERE <https://libertytak...;­  for a list of responsibilities that you will be required to do in order to make that happen.

 	HELP our candidates at local events
 Help these candidates at local events. 
 There are events all over the state that have our candidates in attendance. This is a great opportunity to show your support by showing up to help them. Click HERE <https://libertytak...;­  and find some events that YOU can get involved with.
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Liberty Takeover 2012 is a plan to restore our Constitutional Republic here in the State of Florida. We understand that our federal government will continue to encroach on our civil and economic liberty. We also understand that the current Florida legislature will not do what is required to stop the federal government. 
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