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RLC Action alert gun rights

From: travis c.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 18, 2015, 11:46 AM

TAKE ACTION on Gun Rights in Florida

On Monday March 16 the Senate Higher Education subcommittee heard SB 176, which would allow the carrying of concealed weapons on a college campus by permit holders. There were over 60 speakers for the issue, and a majority of them opposed the bill. Numerous government lobbyists were present, such as police administrators from several Florida Universities in uniform. Paul Henry of the Liberty First Network was present to speak however insufficient time was allocated for the hearing and most speakers were not allowed to speak.

Only a few speakers were able to be heard due to the hearing beginning late and questions of some speakers by Senators. Several members of Students for Campus Carry spoke and did an excellent job of showing their support for the law as well as exposing the FSU Senate (a student body) President’s misleading testimony that the FSU Senate had unanimously opposed the bill. Due to time limits, debate was limited.

The bill passed with a 6-3 party-line vote, all 6 Republicans voted yes while all 3 Democrats voted no. The bill moves on the the Judiciary committee, and if it passes there, then to the Rules committee. The House version HB 4005 has passed it’s first committee and will be heard by the Higher Education and Workforce Subcommittee on Wednesday 03/18/15 at 9:00 AM.



WHERE & WHEN: Higher Education and Workforce Subcommittee on Wednesday 03/18/15 at 9:00 AM

ACTION NEEDED: We need calls and emails in support of this bill that will allow Florida concealed weapon holders to carry weapons on a college campus. Currently, they are denied this basic right of self-defense. Opponents are fear-mongering all sorts of catastrophes should this bill pass, however over 30 other states currently allow this practice and none of the catastrophes predicted for Florida have taken place in any of them. Since 1993, Florida’s concealed weapon permits have increased over 700% (Dept. of Ag. stats) while violent crime (FDLE stats) has decreased 60%. In a November 2012Inside Business magazine story, two of Florida’s Universities (FSU and FAMU) made the list for the top 25 most dangerous schools in the nation based upon 5 years of FBI crime data. Of relevance, none of the universities in Colorado made this list. In Colorado, despite similar opposition, concealed weapons have been legal on campus since 2003 and courts have twice upheld the legality of this practice.

Please call or email these House members in support of this bill. The Senate companion SB 176 has passed it’s first two committees.

Bob Cortes (850)[masked] [address removed]

Katie Edwards (850)[masked] [address removed]

Julio Gonzalez (850)[masked] [address removed]

Travis Hutson (850)[masked] [address removed]

Kristin Jacobs (850)[masked] [address removed]

Dave Kerner (850)[masked] [address removed]

Jeanette Nunez (850)[masked] [address removed]

Keith Perry (850)[masked] [address removed]

Rene Plasencia (850)[masked] [address removed]

Elizabeth Porter (850)[masked] [address removed]

Jake Raburn (850)[masked] [address removed]

Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda (850)[masked] [address removed]

Ray Rodrigues (850)[masked] [address removed]

Click on the email list below to send a message to all of the members

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To help us continue the fight on 2nd Amendment issues, please consider making a financial donation to the Liberty First Network. Our funding comes directly from the grassroots and not large corporations and special interests. Please help us keep your voice in Tallahassee.

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