What we’re about
Talk about this amazing sport and meet like minded individuals. These individuals may become a good friend based off of passion for the sport. As we move along the way, plan grass, sand, and/or indoor volleyball amongst yourselves. Casual meets before and after socially if interested.
This group is for any skill level and have an interest in volleyball to some degree. Expect some casual talks about our own past experiences with volleyball and learn tips and tricks. We will try to organize for all levels of play, please be aware of your level and be kind to those who might have overestimated their abilities.
Low Rec - You're just starting out or you're here for the beer
High Rec - You're not a beginner, but still not ready for prime time
Intermediate - Semi-competitive for people that know and understand all aspects of the game
Advanced - competitive, you know what you’re doing
Open - You're ready to challenge yourself against the best in the area