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Please support Operation Call4Paul

From: Mike
Sent on: Tuesday, January 29, 2008, 12:28 AM
$60,000=3 Million Voters
contacted for
Ron Paul

Check out our new YouTube video!

Please support Operation Call4Paul as we make a big push to reach 3 million voters in California, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Florida, Minnesota and other Super Tuesday states.  We need to raise $60,000 to make this goal.  You helped us raise $40,000 to reach 2 million Americans Iowa, Nevada, California, Michigan, South Carolina and Florida.  Now we are ready to go full steam ahead for Ron Paul into February 5th.

Only OC4P can contact and identify truly large numbers of Ron Paul positive voters and win new voters in this short time frame.  

This program is pure political organizing dynamite!  The system generates a non-stop river of inbound traffic to our call centers.  Call after call from Americans who want to know more about Ron Paul or are already Ron Paul supporters!  This deluge of interest is captured and entered into a database and is then referred to local organizers for follow up.  With OC4P, voters and supporters get the information and materials they need and the Ron Paul Revolution is built for the future as well as the present.

OC4P Call Centers are now springing up everywhere.   We currently have centers in:  Los Angeles, Boston, Connecticut, Florida, Long Beach and Orange County, CA.  More are in the planning stages.
You Can Help!

1. Donate!

2. Obtain Data to Call
Go to your state?s Secretary of State or county voting authority and get the voter registration CD.

3. Set Up a Call Center
It?s easy and we?ll help you get started.

4. Spread the Word!
Send this email to everyone and post it all over the web!

5. Join Us.

View these for more on Operation Call4Paul:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Yours in Support of Ron Paul for President,

Operation Call4Paul
[address removed]

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