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Meetup details changed: Campaign for Liberty 4th of July Beach Party

From: Jubair
Sent on: Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 12:18 PM
Hey Freedom Lovers

It's been a while since the campaign ended and we had some fun together. This thursday we will be having a Campaign for Liberty 4th of July Beach Party. It's a great way to meet friends you met during the campaign and make new ones.

We will have drinks, barbaque, music and beach sports.

Let's make this 4th of July party the kickoff party when we begin to spread the message of freedom and liberty like Dr. Paul has been doing for all those years.

When: July 4,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Drew's Place
75 Lido Blvd
Lido Beach, NY 11561

Please take a moment to RSVP. (You can RSVP "Yes" or "No".)

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