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Petition to force Maloney to a Bail Out Forum/Debate

From: Bill
Sent on: Saturday, October 11, 2008, 12:03 PM

Please take a some time out your day to go out and petition in your neighborhood, school, workplace, subways, parks..etc.

This petition is to draw Congresswoman Maloney to a town hall forum along with guest experts to discuss the bail out and its real implications.

She promised the "People" a honest discussion, but perhaps that was pandering as usual.

So let us again the People send a message to the elected officials that they must keep their word. Also this forum is very much needed as to not continue to make the same mistakes again.

The petition is available in our file section called Bailout_Petition. Completed petitions goto Ron Moore Chair of the Manhattan [address removed]. You can contact him via email for further instructions.

Please try to get as many as soon as possible certainly within the next week to 10 days.

Thank you,
Bill Buran

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