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New Meetup: World March for Peace

From: Bill
Sent on: Sunday, November 29, 2009, 4:31 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Greater NYC Campaign for Liberty!

What: World March for Peace

When: November 30,[masked]:30 PM

Brooklyn Bridge Park
1 Main St
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Follow the World March as it travels throughout the World.

The World March will be coming to the United States at the end of November 30-December 2nd.
If you would like to participate in local events, start your own initiative, and join us in New York, Washington, DC or your local state, contact Hope Jolles at [address removed].

The World March Comes to the US! Nov 30th ? Dec 3rd
The international World March Team arrives in the United States on Monday, November 30 ? 35 countries, 4 continents and 60 days after setting out from New Zealand. Now it's our turn to express ourselves and take a stand: for the abolition of nuclear weapons, for an end to war as a means of resolving conflict, and for a new global consciousness based on nonviolence & the rejection of all forms of violence.

November 30th: NYC
Join the World Marchers for Peace and Nonviolence on their first day in North America.

1 PM: March Over the Brooklyn Bridge
3 PM: Press Conference/City Proclamation at City Hall
7 PM: ?Beyond Violence?: Performance & Celebration at Riverside Church

More info:

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