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"Exploring the Americas" Latin Fair at Mountain View College

From: amichele
Sent on: Thursday, September 17, 2009, 7:17 PM
Hola Salseros,

Mountain View College is organizing an Exploring the Americas Fair focusing on Latin American culture. This is going to be the LARGEST fair in South Dallas thus far focusing on Latin American culture and arts during Hispanic Heritage month. There will also be events for the little ones so bring them with you as you come out and explore the different Latin cultures that make up the Oak Cliff community.

The fair runs from 10:00am-3:00pm and yours truly, Mambo Dallas, will be performing salsa, rueda, and bachata from 11:30am-12pm. We have a booth to advertise this meetup group and Mambo Dallas. If you'd be interested in volunteering with us out please shoot me an email and we'll let you know how you can help. Please come out- if you don't catch us on stage, you can find us at the booth.

NOTE: NO CLASSES that day (Sept. 26) due to the festival.

Mountain View College, East Foyer
4849 W Illinois Ave
Dallas, TX 75211

"Exploring the Americas" Latin Fair?

Thanks in advance,

Assistant Organizer
[address removed]

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