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From: user 5.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 6:30 PM
Dear Friends,
This Thursday at Privilege Ultra Lounge it's LADIES NIGHT, LADIES ADMITTED FREE. GUYS ARE ONLY $5.
Come hungry, don't forget about the $2 and $4 food specials topped off
with $4 Stoli Martinis and other drink specials.
DJ CARLOS is in the house spinning all your favorite Latin hits all night.
Privilege Ultra Lounge is located at 1000 Woodfield Road in Schaumburg.
Go to  for more details.
Friday night at Josephine's the beat goes on with DJ CARLOS at the helm.
The hottest DJ in all Chicagoland. Doors open at 9. Dora of Studio Viva will
teach you all of her latest Latin dance moves starting at 9:15.
Go to for additional dance information.
Friday the 28th of December we will again celebrate our 4th annual 
PRE NEW YEARS EVE PARTY BASH. Not to be missed!!
We will have a Champaign toast at midnight and party favors for all.
This truly promises to be a great time for all.
Ladies, a prize will be given for the brightest sequenced/colored
New Years wear. Let's light up the dance floor!
Party info call[masked]

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