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New Meetup: Vegan comedy hour with Leo Flowers

From: user 9.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 30, 2010, 8:50 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for San Diego Vegans!

What: Vegan comedy hour with Leo Flowers

When: Tuesday, April 20,[masked]:00 PM

Lestat's Coffee House
3343 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116

Come out for a free evening of comedy with vegan comic, Leo Flowers. He's hilarious, from SF, and will be taping an audition reel for the Letterman Show at our very own Lestats on APRIL 20th. It's a Tuesday. Be there before 9pm, could last till 11pm. I imagine this will fill up quickly, as Lestat's stage area isn't too large.

I had the pleasure of seeing him perform last month and it was epic. THIS note is from leo flowers' email - come check him out and let people know he is coming, thanks!
Wassup San Diego people! I'm coming back to Diego and this time to record my submission for the David Letterman show at Lestat's Cafe. Although it's a coffee shop, many comedians tape their sets here because the audiences and sound is amazing. So let's pack this place out!

this is his blog...

VEGAN options on Adams Ave... Jyoti Bihanga and Zia's Pizza...get some dinner before the show...

call me, bring a sign, it'll be fun.. let's pack the front rows with VEGANS!!!!


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