Dads Night Out at Ocean Ale House
Hosted By
Matt K.
It's been a little while since we've had a dads' night out... let's change that! Leave the kiddos at home and join us on the south side of SF at Ocean Ale House for a celebration of, in the words on their website, "the eternal glory of beer." Food, wine, cocktails, and non-alcoholic options are available as well.
The establishment is located on Ocean Ave within walking distance of Balboa Park BART, and there also several bus lines that can drop off close (including the K Muni line). They sometimes have live music until 8 or 9pm on Thursdays - I will update once I see the September schedule posted.
Let me know in the comments if there are any questions, and let's raise a glass to fatherhood!
SF Dads Group
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Ocean Ale House
1314 Ocean Avenue · San Francisco, CA
Dads Night Out at Ocean Ale House