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New Meeting: Surfing on Good Friday...........

From: Richard G.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 4:07 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Santa Monica Surfers!

What: Surfing on Good Friday...........

When: Friday, March 21, 8:00 AM

Where: (A location for this meeting hasn't been chosen yet)

Who should come: Members, friends & family too.

Why: It's always fun in bigger numbers, meeting new surfing friends and trying new surfing spots too.

Meeting Description: Hello Everyone,
We'll pick a surfing location early that week, in the O.C. area. Possibly at Bolsa Chica or Newport and there will be some other members joining us from The Orange County Surfing Group & The Endless Summer Beach & Surf Club too.
We will be surfing and or just hanging out too for at least 3 to 4 hours or even longer if the surf & weather conditions permits us to do so. Remember you could always come by later after 8 AM, like always if you have other things going on earlier. Sea Ya Soon, Richard

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