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What we’re about

Summer break is over - the series will start from the beginning on Sep. 10th.
Science Logic and Faith explores the existence of God, the Bible’s creation account in Genesis, and key philosophical issues from a scientific and logical perspective.  Each topic has been refined through numerous live presentations to diverse audiences with extensive Q&A.  You do not need a science background, as the series is geared for a general audience, but still informative for those with advanced science degrees.  There is no problem joining mid-series as each topic is understandable on its own.  The question of faith can be approached from various ways.  For some, this series has met a vital need in their spiritual journey.   

The series is open to those from all spiritual backgrounds.  It is promoted in various ways besides meetup and the RSVP list will not reflect the size of the class.  The format is a lecture, followed by Q&A and time before and after for social interaction.  One of the goals is to build community and socialize outside of the class. 

The series is also available as an audio podcast on iTunes and Spotify called "Science Logic and Faith". For more info on the podcast, goto:

Topics (The first 5 topics compare nature to Genesis chapter 1):

> 1. Beginning of the universe & Big Bang cosmology

> 2. Design of the universe

> 3. Creation of the earth

> 4. Appearance of life forms before man

> 5. Arrival of man

> 6. Evolutionary theory – part 1

> 7. Evolutionary theory – part 2

> 8. Evolutionary theory – part 3

> 9. Origin of life

> 10. Noah’s Ark

> 11. Could there be other universes? (Multiverse)

> 12. Could we be living in a computer simulation?

> 13. How does one know if something is true?

> 14. If God made the universe, who made God?

> 15. Thermodynamics

> 16. The problem of pain & suffering

> 17. Cults, deception and bad science

> 18. Quantum mechanics

> 19. Are we alone in the Universe?

> 20 .UFOs