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The 4 Rs of Self-Management, India Trip Summary & Forest Call Today

From: Jay
Sent on: Saturday, November 23, 2013, 8:40 PM

India Trip Report, Forest Call Today and Introducing the 4 Rs of Self-management.
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It's been 24 hours since returning from India, after the longest trip to homeland since departure in 1996 and my heart is full of gratitude for the powerful inspirations received and the opportunity to inspire others over the past six weeks. Infosys HyderabadParticularly special was leaving a legacy of weekly sittings at Infosys campus in Hyderabad that started after the visit a year ago. This time, a new location of Apollo Hospital has decided to conduct regular meditation sessions for its staff after the workshop earlier this week. Father's health, which was a key reason for the extended stay, seemed propped up by his cheerful spirit towards the latter end of the trip.

Join me today on the Forest Call organized by the wonderful folks at ServiceSpace. It's at 9am Pacific today (Saturday) and is free to listen from all over the world. I realize it's short notice, but the recording will be available in a few days.

Enjoy the introduction to the 4 'R's of self management.

Peace & deLight,

The 4 Rs of Self Management

The foundations of what 'they' believed would be our ability to create our life and deal with what the world will throw at us are laid at an early age. We went to school to learn what we were told was the 3 Rs - reading, writing and arithmetic! In fact the three core subjects of our academic education, important as they undoubtedly are, would contribute very little to our learning, as most of the 'learning process' would be based on memorization. And memorization is not learning, it's memorization.
It would be some years later, when leaving school, college or university that a quiet voice in the heads of many would whisper, "Thank God that learning stuff is over, now I can go and make some money". Little did most of us realize we were just entering the real school otherwise known as 'life' and that our learning was about to begin - for real!
In the school of 'real life' we would be forced to focus our energy and learn to make decisions in areas where our academic education had not dared to go. We would quickly have to learn to manage the four things that no one ever teaches us, and fast. It is in the school of 'real life' that we encounter the 4 Rs - responsibility, relationship, roles and resources. It would probably be some time before we realize that this gap in our education would be at the root of all our stress. It could be many years before the penny drops and we wake up to the fact that we have been struggling, striving and stressing our way through life precisely because no one was able to teach us how to accept total responsibility for our self, relate to others appropriately, play the right role at the right time, and use the resources we already have within us in the most effective ways.
And yet even today this huge gap in our education is still not seen as one of the greatest handicaps that we inherit and exactly why its absence has the tendency to kill our ability to create a happy and fulfilled existence. Strong sentiments they may be, but lets see next week how true they are as we embark on a reflective exploration and examination of exactly what was and still tends to be missing from our childhood curriculum.

© Mike George 2013

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