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Firebase announces Cloud Functions

From: Joaquim V.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 8:52 AM
Hello SF Android meetup members,

To follow up on the Cloud Functions announcement at Google Cloud Next, Google's​ Launchpad in SF is hosting a Firebase day, with some quality sessions. If you're a Firebase user, or looking to integrate it in your app, this event is for you!

The Firebase team will give free technical talks, hands-on Codelabs and 1:1 mentoring to get you up-to-speed on this exciting new addition, as well as the rest of the platform!

Boost Your App Quality with Firebase (10:00 am - 11:00 am) 

You probably think of Firebase as a platform to help build your app without having to set up servers, but did you also know you can use it to help maintain a high bar of quality for it? Join this talk with Doug Stevenson to learn how!

What's the Big Deal with Cloud Functions for Firebase? (11:00 am - 12:00 pm) 

This talk, with Firebase expert Dan Schlosser, will walk you through using Firebase Remote Config and Firebase Analytics to provide tailored experiences to different users, based on demographics and behavior. By the end of the talk, you will have all you need to implement a custom experience for each segment of the users in your iOS or Android apps.

Functions Codelab (1:00 pm - 2:00 pm) 

Add back end support to a web app via Cloud Functions for Firebase! This codelab with Arthur Thompson takes an existing web app and adds useful features that would usually require a server. (eg, welcoming new users) To get the most value out of attending, you should have be sure to have Node and npm installed on your machine along with your favorite text editor.

Mentor Hours (1:00 pm - 4:00 pm) 

Get one-on-one advice and mentoring from Firebase experts Vikrum Nijjar and Rizwan Sattar.



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