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From: Bobbie V.
Sent on: Sunday, July 30, 2017, 3:33 PM
Way to Go Sammy & Diva D!!!  I can't wait to meet you in the Fall & romp around. Have Fun over the summer & sending lots of Lucca licks!!!

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 30, 2017, at 8:38 AM, Don Horn <[address removed]> wrote:

Flash News………. Imperial Beach CA……… Team SAMSON & DELILAH  Silver in the Tandem Competition and SAMSON qualifies for the Finals and takes home the Bronze in Singles.  Surf Conditions  4 to 5 Cavies high, 4 knot rip tide North, and Over Dog Dads head……Rough conditions are Sammy’s Forte with his “BARKWARDS” orientation and firm grip on the board….. Delilah was a little upset that Dog Dad could not connect for her and is now advertising for a new HANDLER, any volunteers???......Have I just been TRUMPED????


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