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Reminder: Web Security: Attack, Defend, and Profit on 28 May 2014

From: V W.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 1:51 PM

Greetings, SFHTML5ers:

We’re looking forward to our exciting Web Security: Attack, Defend, and Profit event on 28 May 2014. Please note that the event will take place at Google SF. We have seats in the main room with the speakers, as well as overflow space in the cafeteria and will be likely be able to accommodate many folks on the wait list. We’ll have one large monitor in the overflow space. If you want a seat in the main room, we recommend you arrive early.

Please take note of the following:

If your RSVP is YES (as confirmed by Meetup, and are not on the waitlist), please ensure you have provided us with your full (first and last) name! This will help expedite the check-in process and get you to the live DJ music, wine, and tasty food more quickly. On the day of the event, please arrive and check in between 5-6p. Your spot is only guaranteed until 6p. After that, we will start letting in waitlisted guests who arrived early and have been waiting 1hr+ for a spot. So, as a courtesy to all of those who wish to get in and in order to get a spot, make sure you show up before 6p. No exceptions. Period.

If you are on the WAIT LIST, please arrive early. You can enter the building at 5p and check in with our event staff to secure your priority on the waitlist. There is a really good chance for 50+ people from the waitlist make it in. However, this event is in extreme demand and we will allow the confirmed guests for the first hour (5-6p). Based on remaining capacity, we will then start letting waitlisters in after 6p on a first-come, first-served basis (based on arrival at the venue). Note that we cannot guarantee any waitlisted guests a spot at this time. Your best chance to get in would be to arrive early. Please try to cooperate with our event staff and we will do whatever we can to let in the maximum capacity for the room.

If you have not yet RSVPed, you can still join the wait list and follow the above instructions.

We will be live-streaming the event at Check out the event page or follow us on Twitter (@sfhtml5) or G+ (+sfhtml5) for more information.

RSVPs close at 11am next Monday, 26 May 2014.

Special Sponsor Announcements:

Huge thanks to Google for hosting this event! And, to our awesome sponsors: Kaazing, Intel, Adobe,, Salesforce, HTML5DevConf, LEAP Motion, Ludei, PubNub, Bountysource, Matrix, Moboom, and Sony.


-Vanessa and Peter.