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Re: [python-189] Python performance anti-patterns

From: Shannon -jj B.
Sent on: Monday, January 7, 2013, 1:24 PM

On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 8:48 AM, Simeon Franklin <[address removed]> wrote:
Hi all -

I'm wondering if there are any language specific anti-patterns in
Python I should be aware of. I'm not thinking things like choosing the
right algorithm or general observations (don't use an ORM) but
wondering if there are any language level features that may not
perform well.

I can think of legacy issues that are mostly fixed: string
concatenation is now optimized in CPython AFAIK (although I still tend
to join arrays of strings) and there is no need for DSU when
sorting... But for current versions of Python the only things that
jump to mind are observations that hold true for most dynamic
languages: minimize dot lookups, don't overuse objects, etc. Are there
any typical Python gotcha's that I'm missing?

Your feedback is appreciated!

Simeon Franklin

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