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Mandatory neutering

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, April 9, 2007, 8:49 AM
Dear Members,

I am writing to encourage you to e mail your state representative regarding AB 1634, a bill to require neutering for all dogs in California with few exceptions.

The AKC opposes this legislation on it's web page at
where you will also find a user friendly locator for your representatives.

Here is the e mail I just sent to mine:

Dear Representative,

I am writing to oppose forced neutering of pets, AB 1634.

It has been long known and repeatedly proven that neutering only alters objectionable behavior such as male/male aggression in half of all cases.

And aggressive behavior is probably reflection of irresponsible owners anyway.

I can vouch that my un-neutered 2. 5 year old male Yorkie has demonstrated not one of 5 objectionable behaviors, such as peeing in the house or being aggressive toward other males or humping people. None. Not one. Nor is he temperamentally inclined or physically capable of non-consensual sex.

The idea of forced neutering has to be concocted by dogmatists (excuse the pun) who don?t know anything about dogs, or, more likely, never cared enough for their pet to raise him properly.

To punish responsible owners who control their animals and punishing the innocent animal, is completely contrary to the purpose of sharing one?s life with another sentient being, a member of another species as compatible or more so than many of our own.

And for me and many other owners, that means an intact full life.

I join the AKC and others in asking the California legislator to leave neutering decisions to the owners.

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