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Sweet Reminder- Our meeting Friday September 9th at 7:15pm -Special evening for 9/11

From: Itzhak
Sent on: Thursday, September 8, 2011, 8:04 PM

Hello Member of the Shamanic meet Up.

I would like to invite you for our special circle this Friday:

Special evening for 9/11

 Friday, September 9, 7:15-9:30pm Location: Children's Aid Society 219 Sullivan Street, NYC (Betw. 3rd & Bleeker) Special Shamanic Journeys and rituals to honor, remember 9/11 day, victims and look into the future. Celebrate Spirit, learn the basic techniques of core shamanism, meet your Spirit Guides, deepen your shamanic practice, drum, chant, move and above all, have fun. Come and explore the energies of sitting in Sacred Circle, and create meaningful connections with NYC's spiritually guided people.

Please bring a drum or rattle, a pen & notepad, and a bandana.

Free/Suggested Donation $20.

If you have any questions call Itzhak[masked] or email:
[address removed]

Itzhak Beery
Shamanic practitioner

read the New York Times article

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