Want to start? Seem to just not be able to get going? Here's help!
Whether you are a business owner, or you want to be a business owner, or you are an employee or volunteer, if you want to launch something new, join us here in Denver any Friday from 2:30 to 4 p.m. the hard workers can then return to their work, others can take off early for the weekend.
If you or any of your associates are visiting Denver, be sure to visit us. If you like the meeting we can help them start something similar in your hometown in cooperation with their local chamber or service club and community newspaper. We say it's 1X because if we are successful you will be too busy to come back the next week!
WE need your help to help YOU!
Starting now each Online IDEA Circle will be NEW, we will keep it fresh by using the dynamic Socrates Cafe format (thanks Chris Phillips), but limiting the focus to topics having to do with startup, a one time meeting where anyone can bring their startup problems and opportunities for a Fresh Thought Hunt (FTH,) for more about FTH see the HBR Press book "Just Start."
We start and end with a meeting of the whole, the Fresh Thought Hunt itself will take place in groups of 3 through the magic of computer science. RSVP here now to make sure we save a seat for you.
The NEW IDEA Circle is free and open to anyone and everyone who is starting something new, a new business prior to the first sale, or an established business or an individual who wants to start in a new direction. The only requirement is a clear statement of what you want the Fresh Thought Hunt to focus on for you.
The first 10-minutes of each NEW IDEA Circle will be recorded and will be posted on our YouTube Channel for SBCC that has been inactive from it's founding long ago. (On YouTube search for Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. or via Facebook/SmallBizChamber.)
We encourage each of our SBCC fellow members to join us at a Socrates Cafe Online, Fridays, Saturdays, 1st Sundays, and Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Denver time, 8:30 p.m. Eastern, 5:30 p.m. Pacific, suggest the topic of startup or whatever topic might help you the most, and to eventually form a similar Socrates Cafe and New IDEA Cafe in your local library, coffee shop, or other public meeting place with the sponsorship of one of your local chambers of commerce and your local community newspaper. For more see our Facebook Page via and "Visit Group" to join while it's still free.
Once you have started a Socrates Cafe or a NEW IDEA Circle, you will be invited to JOIN OUR NEW SBCC WREN COLLEGE and a FACULTY PEER GROUP, see for online application for being a faculty member and a student, and to request help starting your new Socrates Cafe. Questions about this are answered each week at our Monday Noon Newcomers workshop.
We encourage you to: Watch one; Lead one; Start one!
Be a startup catalyst for your community by starting an IDEA Cafe with your local community newspaper.
Starting in a new direction? No matter what you want to start, a new career, a new project or campaign, or a new business, we can help you start faster, cheaper, and with less risk.
The Small Business Chamber of Commerce, Inc. and our free, open meetings and peer groups are inspired by the clubs that formed in London during the English civil war that resulted in Sir Christopher Wren giving the first talk in a Franklin Circle type meeting that eventually became the Royal Academy.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY that has been developed over the last 20+ years is freely shared. You are welcome to take any of our procedures, forms, methods, and techniques to use for your own purpose, there is no charge.
CONFIDENTIALITY We ask everyone to keep who attends and what is said by participants confidential, but there is, of course, no way we can be sure of this so protect your own anonymity by only using your last name, not giving anyone your contact information, etc. until you decide to be in our membership directory.
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY No RSVP ever is required and most don't until they decide to be an active member and to be in our published SBCC Denver Membership Directory. Next plan to publish a printed membership directory soon.
SBCC Startup Method: The Practices of Imagine, Think, and Learn; to Start, Grow, and Flourish. OODA Loop.
John S. Wren MBA founder Small Business Chamber of Commerce Inc, see or call (303)861-1447
Written by John Wren, see
Daring Might Things-- The Simplest Way to Start
Personal Psychodynamic Processing-- My Experience.
Every week on Friday