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What we’re about

If you are a senior software freelancer and you are finally tired of:

❌ You are heavily dependent on agencies
❌ You are not working with clients directly
❌ Hourly rates do not reflect your knowledge
❌ You don’t know how to scale your business
❌ You feel more like an external employee rather than a real entrepreneur

this group is a perfect fit for you. 💯

We help you grow both, personally and professionally. We cover the most important things like:

✅ Positioning
✅ Pricing
✅ Productized Services
✅ Offer Creation
✅ Lead Generation
✅ Sales
✅ and many more

by offering intensive course modules, one-on-one consultings, group calls and Q&As (general + course module related). 🚀

In addition, you have the intelligence of our awesome community members at your fingertips. 💪

Join NOW to grow your business! 🚀

IMPORTANT - Please don’t join, if you don't want to grow your business! 🚨