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Re: [softwaredev-113] Reminder: GeneXus presentation tonight!

From: Eric S.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 1:52 PM
Software Devs,

I'll bring one PluralSight monthly subscription to give away as a door prize.
If we get more than 25 people at the meeting, I'll give away 2. Those are decent odds.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 9:34 AM, Paul Miller <[address removed]> wrote:

A rep from GeneXus in Chicago will be here tonight for a presentation on their cross-platform development platform.

We'll be doing this meetup in conjunction with the MadFoxers meetup, so try to get there by 6pm if possible. We'll probably start the presentation at about 6:15.

As usual I'm planning on getting there about 5:30 to eat and unwind before the festivities begin.

Hope to see a good turnout tonight - It's certainly too hot to be digging ditches that's for sure! After-party should be interesting.


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