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What we’re about

Soul Care For The Journey™ is a group for anyone interested in “Rising Up” to the calling of their hearts, to actively participate in their “Soul Story.” Our goal is to offer events that challenge you and inspire is to align your authentic self and the unique gifts you have. The gifts in which the world needs you to share. 

Soul Care For The Journey™ It's about saying, “YES” to a new and more meaningful way of being! 

This non-denominational group is rooted in the principles of Quantum Physics, Biology of Belief, Law of Attraction, Accent Wisdom, Taoism, Shamanism, and various Mystical Traditions. We offer a variety of talks, lectures, workshops, and Sacred Wisdom circles designed to assist in your spiritual awakening. There is no area off limits for exploration, but we will be anchored in experience and what is practical and grounded. We will cover topics such as:  

Mary Evelyn Zimmermanhas been a facilitator of “Soul Care” for over the last 20 years. She is a spiritual alchemist, visionary, teacher, mentor, intuitive guide, psychic, empath as well as a multi-modality energy and color healing practitioner. She works multi-dimensional at the soul level.  Her passion is to guide you as you seek to integrate your Soul’s mission with your everyday life increasing your sense of joy, vitality and a deeper sense of purpose.

• Topics: Bridging a New Paradigm, Psychic Development, Being An Empath, Ascension Symptoms, The Divine Sensory Perception, Breaking Through Fear Feminine and Sacred Masculine, Healing And Reclaiming The Sacred Womb 

• Various Healing modalities: World Healing, Multi-Dimensional Healing, Theta Healing, Quantum Soul Healing, Shamanistic Healing, Color Healing, Kinesiology, Gemology, Aromatherapy, Using Elixirs 

• Spiritual practices: such as Meditation and Visioning, Journaling, Nature, Ritual Bathing, Mantras and Mudras, Sensory Suport

• Understanding- The Chakra Energy System Energy and Karma Re-scripting, Past Life Vows, Soul-Contracts, Removing Negative Attachments, Resonance Field Space Clearing, Psycho-Spiritual approach to life 

Everyone is welcome to come to a safe, loving, and nonjudgmental environment infused with joyful self-discovery, inspiration, which will enable you the freedom to express yourself and your gifts with others who understand and empathize with your life experiences and personal growth and healing. 

Soul Care For The Journey™ Meetups, Workshops, Healing shares, and Sacred Wisdom Circles are about aligning with the high vibrational qualities and aspects of your Divine Nature, to align with you Soul’s Essence and Purpose. To learn to co-create more effectively and deepen your spiritual awakening and Soul's Journey. To easily expand beyond the 3rd and 4th dimensions and embrace the 5th and 6th and so much more! Calling All Change Agents!

Mary believes this is a rare evolutionary opportunity to heal on many levels as we commit to taking responsibility at a Soul level for our actions. Now is the time to consciously participate in embracing our spiritual nature through which we can heal ourselves as well as the global community. 

Our intention is that within the sacred space of our workshops and circles, individuals will become inspired to joyfully and freely express themselves. Sharing life experiences and personal growth in this safe, loving, and non-judgmental environment can lead to monumental self-discoveries, healing and inspired action. 

This is a non-denominational group it’s philosophy is rooted in the principles of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science, Quantum Physics, Biology of Belief, Law of Attraction, Accent Wisdom Taoism, Shamanism, Mystical traditions and Rituals. 

We offer a verity of talks, lectures, workshops, and sacred Wisdom circles designed to assist in your spiritual awakening. We will cover topics such as, Bridging a New Paradigm, The Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine, Healing And Reclaiming The Sacred Womb, Being An Empath, Ascension Symptoms, World Healing, Meditation, Visioning, Multi-Dimensional Healing, Shamanistic Healing and Spiritual Development, Color Healing, The Chakra Energy System, Kinesiology, Energy and Karma Re-scripting, Past Life Vows, Soul-Contracts, Removing Negative Attachments, Theta Healing, Quantum Soul Healing, Gemology, Aromatherapy, Elixirs, Resonance Field Space Clearing and Haunted Properties, and a Psycho-Spiritual approach to life.