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What we’re about

S.L.V.E. started by Garfield Bailey (DJ Gaffer) to improve custom at his local unappreciated pub, Garfield realised that music, especially on vinyl, would be a great way to get the community more involved in using the venue. Word spread and it soon became a regular monthly event and has been running for several years
Joined by Sandra Dwyer (DJ Lady D), SLVE have now fine-tuned the concept to bring you Hands on Decks
Our mission is to spread the love of vinyl and bring back that community spirit
Vinyl is Therapy!
The Process:
Meet & Greet
Put your name on the board
Get ready to make the people dance
Hands on Decks !!
Play 20 minutes of your favourite vinyl
YOU are the DJ
- You -
Bring your Vinyl
Play your Vinyl
Dance & Party Time!
- We -
Supply the decks
Spread the word and invite your friends!