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Sorry all...forgot to add the link to the Superhero ride.

From: John S.
Sent on: Thursday, November 17, 2011, 12:42 AM

Superhero Ride is Friday night...come join us! It's always a fun ride. We will have tunes from the Soul Cycle, post ride bbq in the park. Julio is coming with some friends all the way from Culver City. RSVP today.

Other Upcoming Rides:

Superhero Thanksgiving Cruise and BBQ!- This is our 3rd, 4th, 5th Superhero ride? Not sure. But it's always fun! Post ride barbecue at Valley Park after the ride. Special super hero mix on the soul cycle. RSVP today!

Fourth Annual Holiday Toy Ride, Dec 8th - Always one of my favorite rides of the year! We will cruise through the Chinese Elm area of Torrance, famous for all it's decorated homes. Post ride hot chocolate/barbecue at Valley Park. Here is a youtube video of one of Holiday Toy rides from the past RSVP today!

Do you want to Lead A Ride?
Do you want to lead a ride through your southbay neighborhood? Or maybe you want to find a few people to ride with along the strand on a weekend or after work. Contact me and we will set you up as an 'event organizer' of our group so that you can post a ride whenever you want to our meetup page .
Okay, lookin' forward to cruisin' with you soon!

Southbay Cruisers
'Getting to Know your community is as easy as riding a bike'