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One more note about the Christmas concert...

From: Leslee R.
Sent on: Saturday, November 14, 2009, 10:32 AM
Here is a link to the web page of the Nashville Early Music Ensemble, the group that will be performing the Renaissance Christmas music. I thought you might like to check them out.

Note: If you are interested in this event, please include in your response the number of tickets and names of the people who will be coming. Dr. Moore has asked for names (see his message below). Please let me know by December 3 if you want to go. I will send Dr. Moore our list the morning of Friday, December 4.
This should be a wonderful evening.

Date: Thu, 12 Nov[masked]:02:41 -0800
From: [address removed]
Subject: free tickets to a Christmas concert
To: [address removed]

Received from Gerald Moore

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Gerald Moore <[address removed]>
Sent: Thu, November 12,[masked]:54:36 PM
Subject: free tickets to a Christmas concert

The Nashville Early Music Ensemble will be presenting An International Christmas on Tuesday, December 8, at 8:00 p.m. at Christ Church Cathedral, 900 Broadway, downtown Nashville.  The concert will feature centuries-old Christmas music from many countries and cultures.  The twenty-seven member ensemble performs on period instruments, and members sing in original languages.

If you decide to attend, give me the names of everyone in your party by Friday, December 4. There is no limit on the number of tickets available to you. Complimentary tickets will be waiting for you and your guests at the front door the evening of the concert. 

Gerald Moore, director

Nashville Early Music Ensemble

[address removed]

[masked] office


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