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Confirmed: Two Speakers are sharing their Startup experience Thursday 06 June 2013!

From: Thomas
Sent on: Sunday, June 2, 2013, 1:38 PM

Hi Entrepreneurs,


Practical founding experience from Europe and Singapore, it doesn't get any better for freelancers, small business owners and entrepreneurs this coming Thursday!

Learn from and interact with two professionals with successful startup experience in a relaxed cafe setting at Caffe Pralet By Creative Culinaire.

Mr Charles Ban, Creative Director of Wingz Communications, has kindly consented to share his experience in principles for starting-up and sustaining a venture.

Mr Ban over 20 years of experience in publishing, consultancy, journalism and public relations. He is also the founder of a venture that has interests in design, printing, publishing, public relations, branding, CRM and events management.

Our opening speaker is Steffen Hedebrandt, Client Marketing Manager of in Europe, has successful startup experience at an online vintage musical instrument venture. His main vision for Singapore and the region in the next 12 months is to raise awareness about how the Human Cloud can help small business owners effectively and reliably.

There is a lucky-dip worth over $400/- up for grabs, so prepare your name cards for an evening of meaningful conversations and delightful fare!


To your sustained success,


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