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New Organizer

From: JoEl M.
Sent on: Sunday, July 24, 2016, 4:47 PM

Hello all,

My name is JoEl.  I'm 33 years old, father of one amazing child, and I love technology.  I am also Founder and CEO of my own startup, TMM Industries, LTD.

A little about TMM, we build sustainable advanced materials, those being carbon nanotubes and aerogels.  We capture factory emissions and while reducing them up 70%, we also convert them into nanotubes.  For aerogels, we produce those in environmentally friendly was also. More about this to come...

I decided to take on the role of organizer once I saw it was available.  I figured it would be a great opportunity to meet new faces in Brooklyn and have the chance to share and discuss topics I'm passionate about.

There's 661 "Brooklynnovators" in this group, and I hope I have the chance to interact with as many of you as I can.

I'd love to get feedback from the group, and also, let's try and organize a meeting for early next month.  It's not a task I can do alone, so I implore any and all interested to work with me in order to make this happen.  Feel free to reach out to me here, by email, or by phone:

[address removed] or[masked].


Have a great weekend.




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