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What we’re about

Dear All,

Thank you for your interest. We are expecting women and men of good behavior and sports spirit to be part of the group.

  1. The group is open to women players who are having an experience of 1 year with badminton. We expect intermediate players or players close to the intermediate level with ambitions to improve their game.
  2. The group is a closed group and membership is based on reference. Every woman joining can recommend membership of one male player. No male player can join direct without a woman's reference. We want to keep the ratio of 50% for playing mixed doubles.
  3. We will be organizing friendly and competitive badminton events.
  4. Group events are reserved only for members and are not allowed to bring in guests to play.

Players should follow group rules and policies. Upon conflict of interest and feedback, organizers can remove members from the group.

Upcoming events

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