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Important: RSVPS's at the Drink and Draw

From: Robert Z.
Sent on: Friday, July 26, 2013, 8:01 PM

Dear Members,

Our MeetUp runs 7-10pm. Because of the 20-25% no show rate of the RSVP's, we open the room to the general public after 7:10. Not everyone who RSVP's shows up. We never call anyone out publicly, although MeetUp offers that feature. We'd rather be cool about it and figure people will show up eventually.

Tonight, we had to turn some people away after 7:25pm, who had RSVP'd. That is never a good situation.

It fills up pretty quick here even without RSVP's. If you RSVP, and you show up at 7:25-7:30, we cannot guarantee you will have a spot. Please show up for this event between 6:45 -7:00pm if you RSVP. We may start accepting PayPal in advance, but we have not as of yet.


Feedback welcome.



Rob Zeller.

Director, Teaching Studios of Art