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Asian Tea House

From: Ed H.
Sent on: Sunday, November 23, 2014, 9:07 AM


As this event filled quickly and the waiting list got bigger I called Ken at the Asian Tea House to see if he had any more room.

He not only gave us more space but if we can get close to the 50 he is allowing he is going to give us the entire back room just for our Meetup.

This will give us the opportunity to make the last Meetup of 2014 a BIG party.  I'll be there and will be bringing a new potential member.  We are again close to hitting the 800 mark.  If you have joined us before come back for a great evening.  If you are one of the members that has not yet attended a Meetup, come on in and see what you have been missing.

Next year has a lot of fabulous events planned.  If you want to get more involved I would love some help.  Volunteer to be an Event Host.  This Meetup has grown from the first event in 2007 (18 Members) to where we are today.  I am aiming for 1,000 members but I sure could use some help.

See you at the party.


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