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New things happening at the Sydney Expat American Group!

From: Jules
Sent on: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 5:50 AM
G'Day Yanks!

You may have seen some of the changes happening at the Sydney Expat American Group.

Re-patriation has claimed our founders, so I felt it was my duty as a dual citizen to step up and carry on the "Seppo" tradition.

Assistant Organizers Needed!
Are you the Master of Music? The Afficinado of Art? Daddy Day Care? We're also looking for assistant organizers to tackle special categories for events. Organizing is easy! You get to decide and post the event, monitor the RSVPs, turn up and BAM! Instant friends!! (Your actual results may vary)

Thanksgiving Picnic!
Don't have dinner plans for Thanksgiving Day? Wouldn't photos of you, a turkey leg, and the sunset over the Harbour Bridge look awesome on Facebook?

Join us at Cremorne Point from 6.30 pm on Thanksgiving Day for a Pot Luck Picnic. See the event here...
Thanksgiving Day Pot Luck Picnic wi?

In the Pipeline
- Touch Football (Gridiron) - December
- Chris-hana-kwan Holiday Party - December (looking for ideas!)
- Cricket - January
- Super Bowl Party - February
- Mexican Night

Any other ideas? Know of any events already organized that Yanks would like?
Feel free to post on our message board, or email me.
