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REMINDER: R&D Tax Incentive Deadline is almost here! + More

From: Kim H
Sent on: Tuesday, April 5, 2016, 9:39 AM


Hope you’ve been well

2 things to give you a quick update on:


1. REMINDER: R&D Tax Incentive deadline is almost here

There’s no denying that the R&D Tax Incentive has been one of the most valuable pieces of policy supporting startups for quite some time. High-level it offers a 45% refundable tax offset for eligible activities.

The cut off period for claiming expenses for last financial year (i.e. FY14/15) is the end of this month (i.e. April 30).

If you have an accountant/R&D Tax person, and haven’t completed your claim, you should get onto it ASAP.

If you don’t have anyone helping you, we have an awesome company that does our work that I’d be more than happy to connect you with. Just drop me an email (reply to this email is fine) and I'll give you more info.



For anyone interest in either FinTech or Regulation of tech startups, there’s a really interesting event coming up over at the Sydney FinTech meetup (which I also organise) next Thursday.

For the first time ever - there will be representatives from 5 different regulators who cover the Fintech space doing short talks on what they do, how they fit into the broader regulatory picture and what where they’re at with their thinking on FinTech.

If you’re in Fintech then it’s def worth attending. Even if you’re not, but have an interest in how regulators are looking at the challenges of startups in highly regulated spaces - the event could be of interest

More details here:





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