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Enjoy the rest of the Weekend!

From: Xinxing Z.
Sent on: Sunday, March 9, 2008, 7:52 PM
Dear Tai Chi Members:

We're offering free 1st class at our Weekly Meetup and Class! For our returning remembers, come and claim your free class, please!

Thank you so much for the fun at our meetup. You did great with your moves. I guess you must have done a lot of your homework!

It was also great to see more new members coming and started to learn and like Tai Chi.

We had a great time doing our sword demo. We were so happy to see that you love this weapon form. We'll continue to introduce fan in the future.

Spring is around the corner and we're planning to have some free practice sessions in the public parks when it gets warmer. At the same time, our Weekly Meetup and Class is held every Sunday in our beautiful studio in New York Dance in Harrison.

The fee for the 90-minute Weekly Tai Chi Meetup & Class is $15 for a drop-in, or, a $50-card for 4 meetups and classes--only $12.50 a session.

Keep on practicing. We'll see you next week!


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