What we’re about
If you go on line and look up the word “Tantra” you will find numerous meanings for the word. These may range from a Spiritual Practice to Sexual Healing.
Taste of Tantra defines Tantra as the practice of loving one’s self fully, feeling empowered in everything one does, living one’s life without judgement, restrictions, regrets and fear. A practice of saying YES TO LIFE, living in a manner in which you can manifest positive things for yourself while discarding what no longer serves you. We firmly believe that when you love yourself and live authentically, others will be naturally attracted to you.
Ok, this sounds easy, correct? Well it is not quite as easy it sounds?
· Do you know how to truly love yourself?
· Do you recognize and approve of all of what you have accomplished?
· Do you feel empowered?
· Do you know how to discover your fears?
· Do you know what the “deal breakers” in your life are?
· Are you really satisfied in your relationships with your beloved, family and friends?
Did you answer “No” to any of the questions above? Why is that? Would you like to change your answers to “Yes.”?
Please join Taste of Tantra and learn how to YES TO LIFE and learn how to stop judging yourself and how to empower yourself.
Each one of our events will offer members the chance to fully explore themselves. We will focus on defining and breaking barriers, expressing our desires and fears and living in the present. We will emphasize the whole person in workshops including subjects such as exploring past/present relationships, movement, nutrition, intuitive writing as well as learning new ways to connect to others. Events will vary in length from 2 hours to 4 days. Pricing for workshops is determined by expenses incurred. <br>
Our events are not designed to be dating, lifestyle or hook up groups. Unless otherwise stated, both singles and couples are invited to all events. Unless otherwise stated, there will be no clothing optional choices in our events. <br>
Please contact your organizer Jens... <br>