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Can you make it to the FREE poker tournament on Monday?

From: user 4.
Sent on: Saturday, May 22, 2010, 7:43 PM

Hey, why don’t you come out and have some fun with us Monday night at 7pm?  Affiliates of the Poker Training Network would like to invite you to play in our free poker tournament on Monday May 24th, 2010 at 7:00 pm.  The winner gets a free seat in the following Sunday’s PTN online tournament for $300.  Last week’s was a blast!  It would have been more fun having you there.  Please come to this one.  Food, drinks, music provided.  It’s a real good time!  Hope you will make it! A very brief 10 minute presentation on how you will win in poker and in life will be conducted before the start of the tournament.  Please call or email me to reserve your seat now.   You’ll have so much fun playing poker and making money.



Helping others win in poker and in life



Mike Caton

PTN Affiliate



[address removed]



Visit and stop being a loser!



Helping others win at poker and life!


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