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Big Poker Weekend! Also, 3rd Annual Tony Parker & Eva Longoria Parker Celebrity Poker Night Now Set!

From: user 4.
Sent on: Saturday, July 3, 2010, 1:20 PM

1-2 no limit cash game in Northwest Austin at 620 and 183. kicks off at 5pm. Call Mike @[masked]

Monday @ 2pm

In Observance of July 4th, Holiday. Its a $50 Poker Tournament. 3000 in chips. Get an additional 1500 chips for $10 more plus 500 more chips if you come on time. Cash game to follow! Call Jen or Mike @[masked]

Also Monday @ 7pm

An absolutely Free poker tournament at Little Woodrow's Northwest location. All you have to do is show. You'll have so much fun playing poker with us!

Little Woodrow's
6301 Parmer Ln, Ste 501
Austin TX 78729

3rd Annual Eva & Tony Parker Celebrity Poker Tournament and Casino Night benefiting Eva?s Heroes Eva?s Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to enriching the lives of those with developmental challenges by providing an inclusive setting built on four tenets; interact, grow, learn, and love. Based in San Antonio, t...he organization ...helps teenagers and young adults between 14 and 21 years of age, who are developmentally challenged, integrate and flourish in society.

Eva's Heroes offers unique opportunities for these young men and women to experience that they may not be able to experience elsewhere. The organization also hosts special events throughout the year that serve as fundraisers contributing to the enhancement and growth of Eva's Heroes programs. Actress Eva Longoria-Parker and Executive Director, Christiane Perkins-Garcia, founded the organization in 2006.

Currently, they are soliciting sponsorships and are looking for items/ experiences / gift baskets/ gift cards to use as prizes & in auction packages for their upcoming 3rd Annual Eva & Tony Parker Celebrity Casino Night & Poker Tournament benefiting Eva?s Heroes to be held on October 2, 2010.

Check out to see who all supported our efforts last year. Your donation to our cause would be much appreciated. We would love to have your organization as a supporter of Eva?s Heroes.

Check out the website @

The above information was sent to me by an associate of Eva?s Heroes. If you would like me to forward the attachments to attend, become a sponsor or donate, please email me at [address removed]

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