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New Meetup: 11th hour options.- anti stimulus package but great for the bank nonetheless...

From: michele
Sent on: Thursday, March 5, 2009, 6:33 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The 11th Hour Get Together!

What: 11th hour options.- anti stimulus package but great for the bank nonetheless...

When: March 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Dual options.....

NOTE THAT THERE ARE 2 Places and locations--- 1 at 5 and one at 9.....

Free Wine tasting-- tonight

Hosted By Southern Wine
Free Wine Tasting March 5th 5-8pm
Print this page and get a second entree at 1/2 Price

Find out more about the place -

Entree 1/2 Price
Sun-Wed Bring this coupon to receive another Entree of less or equal value at 1/2 price. This offer is Valid for Dinner on March 5th. It is not valid with any other discount. Only one coupon per table.
Offer Expires: March 5th 2008

And at 9 PM to 11PM

Little Black Dress Night at 717 South..... (that is 717 South Howard, Tampa, 33606 )

Ladies, we score with a litlle black dress-- Complimentary (that would mean FREE) from 9 to 11pm....
and you guys. somewhere i feel that all this is for you too....

so last minute..... not sure if some of you will make it... or anyone at all actually, but you have 3 hours to make up your minds!

i cannot guarantee my atttendance as of yet.... since i am working on a project at this time, but please rsvp as asked so that i can track you down if/when i get through....

in happier notes, anyone want to do dinner and something fun tomorrow night? please advise on the site...

and re that cruise, enough of you all have indicated interest that i shall post it here as well.... seems like we should have a good turnout based on some of your questions!


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