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Special Drum Circle...

From: Ty
Sent on: Friday, October 22, 2010, 8:35 PM
Hey everyone! I wanted to send out an email to touch base with everyone...

From what I've heard, the last 2 drum circles have been disappointing (because of low-to-no attendance). I know many of us have been really busy (I was also not able to attend the previous two circles), but the Boggs Drum Circle next week will be our last drum circle of the season that will be in City Park. Starting in November, our drum circles will alternate between Miriam's house and my apartment.

So, I thought we could do a great circle in the park. We'll make it a picnic drum circle, and everyone is encouraged to bring food and drinks (I'll provide cups, plates, and utensils). Please bring chairs or blankets to throw down, PLUS your instrument. I AM ASKING ALL OF OUR MEMBERS TO COME OUT OF THE WOOD WORK. GUITARISTS, SAXAPHONISTS, FLUTISTS, FIRE DANCERS, TAMBORINERS, DANCERS, FIST-PUMPERS, HEAD-BANGERS, RIVER DANCERS, ETC. (NO NOSE-PICKERS).

ONE MORE THING... to mix things up a bit, I am asking everyone to develop your own drum rhythm/phrase, and bring it to the circle to teach to us. This will take some thought between now and Wednesday, but it's a nice little ice breaker for those who have never attended drum circle before. For those familiar with Rocky Horror Picture Show, if you are a virgin to a performance, then you are asked to get on stage and dance. Same concept here, except you can keep all your clothes on! :)

If you've got kids, why not bring them? Kids love drums! If you've got a girl/boyfriend or significant other, come laugh, dance, eat, and zone out to the drum beat and bring them along. Let's enjoy the outdoors before it becomes too cold!!

I'll see you all on Wednesday!

RSVP HERE Boggs Drum Circle
