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Organized by Tomasz Minksztyn

Warsaw Diplomatic Cigar Club
397 Friends of Warsaw Diplomatic Cig | Warsaw,

Organized by Piotr Durlej
Startup Coffee

Newest Social Entrepreneurship groups
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311 Members
Started Jan 1 in Gdansk, pl
Warsaw Social Media Creators and Influencer Meetups
420 Members
Started Jan 1 in Warsaw, pl
Warsaw Entrepreneur Social
554 Geniuses
Started Jan 1 in Warsaw, pl
Startup Coffee
0 Founders
Started Jan 1 in Warsaw, pl
Warsaw Diplomatic Cigar Club
397 Friends of Warsaw Diplomatic Cig
Started Jan 1 in Warsaw, pl
The Krakow Entrepreneur Meetup Group
320 Entrepreneurs
Started Jan 1 in Kraków, pl