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film, crises, oil, sun - inpire the world

From: user 4.
Sent on: Monday, March 24, 2008, 10:12 PM
Hello film industry enthusiasts,
Recently, I created a parody video based on a funny Brazilian beer campaign using humor to get people thinking about the switch from oil.  Here is the link to the "XOF1 or Oil" video.
Well, I think it worked too well :)
Now, I am getting requests to create more ads, suggestions are pouring. As much as I would love to work on creating more inspiring "switch from oil" ads with the solar car I am extremely busy finishing it's documentary and getting it ready for a tour this summer.
Thus, my email to you all.
I got the solar car, you got your camera and a creative mind. If you would like give it a go on creating short funny positive videos, drop me a line. Time to film the car will be extremely limited but we could work something out.
There is no monetary compensation other than the opportunity to show your talent and bragging writes for whatever you would like to create.
Here are other solar car funny videos. 
-solar car ejection seat
-Drive's agility.    
Imagine; the end of the world, no more oil....., shall we go back to the cave man era or....., Mad Max driving a solar car while everyone else fight for the last drop of fuel, etc...
Keep on creating, keep on inspiring!
Marcelo da Luz
The Power of One, solar car project
Ph. (416)[masked], Mobile (416)[masked]
E-Mail: [address removed]
"inspired by the sun, motivated by the environment"

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