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RE: [Istanbul-Business-Networking] Our Membership Keeps GROWING. It's Time to Take Action!

From: Hollis
Sent on: 1 Ağustos 2014 Cuma 19:51

Merhaba, Morfi! Cok memnun oldum. THANK YOU for your offer of a meeting place. I think it's a great idea. We may need more time to for people to plan to attend; August 7 is too soon. Some members said they would like to meet on the Asian side. Because I stay in Yesilkoy and do not drive a car, I cannot guess whether it is easy or difficult for people to get to your restaurant. It's your choice. Great idea, but I cannot do anything to help set it up. If you do host a meeting, I hope it brings a lot of new business for your restaurant. Thanks, again, for being willing to help the group.


------ Original Message ------
Received: Fri, 01 Aug[masked]:27:37 AM EDT
From: Mörfi Menahem <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Subject: RE: [Istanbul-Business-Networking] Our Membership Keeps GROWING. It's Time to Take Action!

Hello all.

My name is Morfi Menahem.

I am an Electrical Engineer graduated from London, who owns Murphy's, situated in the Kalamis Marina, near Kadikoy.

I would be very glad to host an organizatin say on the 8th, if you feel, the venue is suitable for such a get together.

Please contact me via mail or mobile phone[masked] for any questions or suggestions.

Wish you all the best.



From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Hollis
Sent: Friday, August 01,[masked]:50 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [Istanbul-Business-Networking] Our Membership Keeps GROWING. It's Time to Take Action!


Our membership chart looks like Mount Everest! People are joining every day. We have 433 members now (up from 88 two years ago); we may have 500 by the end of the year.

I read the profile of everyone who joins the group. EVERY new member is an interesting, accomplished professional and I wish I could meet ALL of you in person.

The only problem is... we don't have many opportunities to get together. For those who don't already know this... I am an "Ameriturk" who lives in New York but visits Istanbul very frequently. The only reason I chair this group is that I "rescued" it when the original organizer left and Meetup threatened to disband it.

This is a wonderful fellowship that fills an important need - it offers Istanbulus an opportunity to connect with other savvy professionals with an international outlook. Our growing membership proves that people in Istanbul want to network!

So, I repeat my offer: Any member who wants to host a meeting can use this website to publicize and promote it. (Meetings should be social and/or educational, not sales pitches.) We would also welcome "assistant organizers" who want to get more involved and help lead this group into the future.

I will be in Istanbul from August 7 to August 16. I am NOT planning to host a meeting myself, but I will be delighted to support and attend any meeting our members host. (Your profiles indicate that most of you would like to meet in Taksim or other central locations.)

It's up to you. We have so many wonderful members that ANY meeting would be memorable. Our last get-together at Kafe Krepen in March was delightful. Let's keep this group alive and lively! Your thoughts?


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