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Re: [travel-936] New Meeting: Dinner Outing

From: Carmon Latrice C.
Sent on: Monday, February 25, 2008, 5:18 PM
hi paul i am working i won't be able to make it to
this one carmon

--- Paul <[address removed]> wrote:

Announcing a new meeting for The Madison International
Travel Meetup Group!

What: Dinner Outing

When: Friday, February 29, 7:00 PM

Where: (A location for this meeting hasn't been chosen

Meeting Description: Hi All, 

I wanted to plan a dinner outing this Friday at a
restaurant with some international flair. I have not
decided on a location and would be open to
suggestions. I would like to make only one request, no
chains!! Please RSVP if you are interested. Contact me
at [address removed] if you have any suggestions for



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