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Ancho Steam Beer at Tucson Hop Shop

From: Bruce J.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 9, 2016, 9:49 AM

Fritz Maytag and Anchor Brewing pioneered America's craft beer movement. Maytag bought and resurrected the failing brewery, which produced the uniquely American "Steam Beer" in 1965 and became America's first modern craft brewery. Anchor went on to brew the first modern IPA in the US (Liberty Ale) the first dark beer, Anchor Porter, and the first seasonal beer, Anchor Christmas Beer.

While today's craft brewers all owe a debt of gratitude to Anchor Brewing, many craft beer fans rarely, if ever, have had that revolutionary brew, Anchor Steam Beer.

Tucson Hop Shop will be pouring Anchor Steam Beer (RateBeer 95) on Thursday, February 12, as part of it's Staff Picks event. Please come in and enjoy a pint of the beer that started the craft beer movement in America. Make a silent toast to Fritz and taste a truly delicious American brew.

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