sail to Sage Haywood winery on Saturna island with overnight stay
Hosted By
Chris .
Is anyone interested in an overnight trip to the vineyard? they have 5 mooring balls and about 120 feet of dock for mooring (free) there's wine tasting, the bistro restaurant is open from 5.00pm until 8.00pm. for a nice meal.
I am making arrangements with the winery at the moment, more details to come.
The tides and currents are quite favorable in both directions, depart Oak Bay by 10.00am on Saturday, departing Saturna by 07.30 on Sunday morning to get the most use of the ebb for coming home.
Turkey Head Sailing Bunch
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Oak Bay Marina
1327 Beach Dr · Victoria, BC
sail to Sage Haywood winery on Saturna island with overnight stay