Sunday Pursuits
Sunday Pursuits are an outdoor recreational pursuit/activity. As always all participation is at your own risk so be safe.
The staggered start means the first boat across the finish line having sailed the course wins.
You can post your race comments and finish times on the events comment section.
Course and start times to be posted Sat.
Course: Start at the Todd Fiddle Transit,
We may adopt a different course depending on conditions.
Monitor Ch09.
Start times will be posted according to your PHRF rating. Don't worry if you don't have a rating make an educated guess by looking up a rating for your boat. Contact me if you really can't figure out something.
If you are not using a down wind sail start early, if you are new to racing start early. It is just for fun
The Gory Details:
- Boats must meet Canadian Coast Guard safety
requirements and have minimum $1M in liability insurance - Racing Rules of Sailing apply as amended below
- Starts based on GPS times above
- Postponements if required will be applied in increments of 5 minutes
- No engine propulsion in 4 minutes prior your start
- Cardinal buoys (e.g. Mouat Reef, Fulford Reef) must be obeyed
- Boats take own finish time and post in event comments
- Radio communication on VHF channel 9
There will be no, skippers meeting there will be a coffee 9:45 to 10:15 Oak Bay coffee shop on the deck.
Sunday Pursuits