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New Meetup: Saturday Ultimate Frisbee Game at the Carousel

From: Mark
Sent on: Friday, January 15, 2010, 2:24 AM
Hi Ultimateers, well a seemingly balmy 47 F this Saturday. Come on out. -Mark

Announcing a new Meetup for The Washington Ultimate Frisbee Meetup Group!

What: Saturday Ultimate Frisbee Game at the Carousel

When: Saturday, January 16,[masked]:00 PM

1000 Jefferson Drive SW
Washington, DC 20001

Saturday UF Game
1. Meet by the Carousel at 7TH ST on the Mall. Be warmed up and ready to play at 1pm.
2. Bring Water.
3. Bring White and Dark shirts. Grey or light blue or yellow is not white.
4. No fee this week.
5. Post Game at Harry's at 12TH and E ST NW or alternate location with interest.

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