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UAT Inaugural Hack Night Tuesday 8/23

From: Adrian L. L.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 17, 2016, 8:15 AM

Hi Urban Farmers!

First of all, thanks to those who have RSVP'd already.

As a quick reminder to the group, we will be having our inaugural event for the UAT Hack Night this month! We will be hosting the event in place of the UAT Forum, this Tuesday (8/23) at IFTTT starting at 6pm.

Here's the agenda:

  • Survey of existing projects and discuss which ones people want to work on.
  • Brainstorm the format for the hack nights. For example: how often do we want to meet, for how long, where can we meet, what types of hack nights do we want to hold, etc.

If you would like to add anything to the agenda please message me at: adrian [at]




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