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Re: [ruby-112] Ruby courses

From: Natanael S.
Sent on: Monday, May 12, 2014, 10:50 AM
I'd definetly do it

Em segunda-feira, 12 de maio de 2014, Maya Taguchi <[address removed]> escreveu:
Hi everyone,

I'm talking to BCIT at the moment about the possibility of adding a Ruby course to their curriculum, but they're telling me that there is no market demand for that.  I know from experience at my current company, where we hire Ruby developers, that the market is incredibly competitive for Ruby skills.  

So my question to the group is whether or not it would be useful to have a course available through an institution like BCIT?  For me, selfishly, it would provide us with a candidate pool that we could hire from so I think it's worth it.  But if you're a developer, would you take a BCIT course on Ruby if it was available?

Thanks for the feedback in advance!


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